Titans forward Caleb Binge has asked the club to distribute a public apology to our fans.
The 21-year-old, who has worked hard on his game to earn two NRL appearances in 2014, yesterday pleaded guilty to low range drink driving, and said he felt he had left himself, his club and family down after reading 0.026 when breath tested by police in the afternoon after drinking in Brisbane the night before. He was on a provisional licence.
Binge was fined $900 and had his licence suspended for three months after having his case heard in Southport Magistrates Court.
He faces further action by the Titans when he appears before the club’s disciplinary committee next week.
“I made sure I apologised to my teammates this morning for letting them and the club down and I just want to let the fans and the club know too I’m sorry for letting them down,” Binge said.
“I am sorry for bringing the club negative publicity and it was disappointing to see my name portrayed in the media in this way.
“It was a big mistake that I have to learn from. I know I have further consequences to face, and I’m prepared to face whatever consequences are thrown at me.
“I have been pretty down about it and spent a lot of time with my mother last night who was disappointed obviously. It is a big learning curve and I have to do all I can to make up for it.
“I worked my butt off since last year to turn my life around and train harder and be more disciplined and that’s why I’m so disappointed in myself for letting myself down in that way. It’s up to me to get back on track and work even harder from now on.
“It’s a lesson for a lot of people who might think they can have a few drinks and just assume they’re OK after leaving it until next day before driving after having a meal. If there could be any doubt, you need to check if you’re over the limit.”