The Gold Coast Titans Leagueability program continues to go from strength to strength as another record year beckons.
Since the inaugural season in 2018, the Leagueability program has grown from 12 players to 73 and one game to 19 in 2023 and the popularity doesn't look like slowing.
As the first disability rugby league program in Australia to provide a competition for both men and women, the fan favourite is looking to break the record books again in 2024.
The Titans are looking for new players for the physical disability rugby league team (PDRL).
So, if you love sport, rugby league or looking to join for the first time, they want to hear from you - the program is social in nature but has pathways to state, national and international level.
To register your interest follow the steps at the bottom this article.
At the time of writing, the intellectual disability rugby league (IDRL) squad is full for season 2024, but to join the waiting list deeanab@titans.com.au
There has been significant growth in the program since its inception and each player that has pulled on a Gold Coast Titans jersey has been welcomed into the Club and its community.
The program is weekly and sees players learn the skills and fundamentals of rugby league.
The program works on coordination and teamwork in a fun and supportive environment before ultimately being given the chance to play games across the Gold Coast and Northern Rivers, including matches at Cbus Super Stadium.
Email the Titans at deeanab@titans.com.au with the following information:
- Player First and Surname
- Date of birth (Players must be aged 13 - 65yrs)
- Email address & Phone Number (For program communications)
- Email address & Phone Number (For invoices E.g. Plan Manager Email)
- Physical Disability or Intellectual Disability
- Describe your disability
- NDIS Plan Number (If applicable)